Scoil Íosagáin is Celebrating 200 Years

aghada house

An interested group, made up of present & past staff, past pupils, present & former parents of children in Scoil Íosagáin, Aghada N.S. met on Monday evening September 30th to help coordinate events to celebrate our school’s 200 year anniversary.

It was decided to spend the present school year collecting information, engaging in projects, oral reports and examining accounts from the present & past pupils near and far, young and old. Our objective is to work towards an exhibition and hopefully a book ready for Christmas 2020.

We hope to investigate and connect our school to local, regional, national and international events throughout our school’s history. This can be achieved through a myriad of ways and we hope people will best explore how to present the information in different literary and artistic formats.

We want to involve the present pupils especially and record their responses to the information which may be unearthed. We hope to contrast and compare the accounts with other areas in Ireland and abroad. We want to learn if the unique factors in the development of Aghada N.S. We want to get the stories behind the buildings and amalgamations involved.

The Site, Building, Games, Furniture, Resources, Curriculum Changes, Clothes, Heating systems, Festivals, Rhymes, Transport, Church records, Parents Associations, Length of year, The Mural, Amalgamations, Libraries, School Transport, Board of Managements, Famine, Running track, War of Independence, Geographical Maps, World War 1, World War 2, Storms, Visitors, National archives, ‘Famous’ past pupils, Sporting heroes, Achievements, Improvements, Flora & Fauna, Staff, Scoil Íosagáin, Aghada N.S. in the media, Newspaper clippings, photos, Videos could all be used as beginning points and we are aware this is not a complete list!

Throughout this process we want to respect each and every one who has gone before us and are still with us. Remembered events and memoirs may not always be ‘factually accurate’ or remembered in the same way by everyone involved. While it is said ‘never let the truth get in the way of a good story’ we will respect the good name of every one. We also have to be aware of GDPR procedures.

Should you wish to be part of this celebration and project please do not hesitate to send your contribution, article or photograph to the school on or contact Peggy or Lar in the office.

classroom aghada